Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Blog 1- Hire an Illustrator

The thing that I like about this image the most is the eeriness of it. I also draw a whole bunch of unnerving or creepy drawings, like this one. I also relate with the artist, Brendan Purchase, a lot. It seems that we both like many of the same stuff, like the Hellboy comics and other horror based works. He also has worked with many companies that I would dream to work with. These include Dark Horse and Image comics. For me these two comic companies are a huge inspiration for my works. I would also love to put try to put my distinct style in my future Digital Art, but that may take time since I'm just now getting more and more familiar with Photoshop. I plan on adding some of these horror based elements once I start studying film (that's if I manage to get good grades and transfer successfully).  For me, horror in film has lost it's way and isn't as good as it once was. As someone who wants to make good horror movies (like the ones that keep you thinking about what you saw for days), it makes me happy to see art that is creepy/unnerving without the use of cheap jump scares and a bunch of the crap horror movies do now.

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